Education is endless; we cannot define its scope. It's the key factor to survive & sustain life on this earth.

Beginning 2020 there was a pause to this education. Learning had stopped, and nobody knew when it could restart. Covid 19 pandemic has brought drastic and big move in the mode of education. Nearly 3 to 4 months students were disconnected with education & learning. It was really a tough time for all of us, especially students, teachers, and educational institutions.

Thanks to the foresight of our Principal Mrs. Gupta on insistence of technology-based learning from day one, which propelled us and teachers towards the digital learning even before the pandemic struck.

Google classroom and Zoom are some of the popular apps which connected the entire student community with learning. There were hindrances in this online mode, but it was the only option left to stay active and connected with education.

Our Principal and the teachers did a great job. Hats off to the teaching faculties, because looking at the desktop or laptop screen and teaching is very hectic and a tough job. It's very difficult to understand the situation of teachers, because teaching students in the classroom is totally different and difficult in the online mode.

However, our Indian language schoolteachers proved that they could do anything for their students' future. This passion in them urged them to adapt to this online mode of teaching and they are successfully doing it. Words are less to thank the efforts of teachers. Teachers are struggling a lot in this mode of teaching, as they have to ensure that all are listening in the class, check the connectivity and conduct classes. Many obstacles are faced by the teachers in this new mode.

I really thank and appreciate all the teachers who have come up and adapted this new mode of teaching. Your efforts are not wasted as the students are also indulged and have adapted this mode of learning too. Thank you again to all our teachers.